The community of our school took part in the celebration of the National Day of May 3 in Włodawa. Director of ZSZ No. 1 and II LO in Włodawa, Mr. Eugeniusz Omelczuk, together with the banner post and a delegation of students of the II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski from the class with a military profile solemnly celebrated the 232nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of May 3. Holy Mass for the Homeland in the Church of St. st. Ludwika started events in our city, and then a wreath was laid by the Directorate along with the banner post at the monument of Tadeusz Kościuszko.
More photos at Włodawa City of Three Cultures
"Każda praca jest możliwa do wykonania jeśli podzielić ją na małe odcinki"
Abraham Lincoln